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AX Vanndetektor (Hvit)

kr 650,00

PRODUKTINFORMASJON (.pdf åpner seg i nytt vindu)

Wireless addressable leak detector
LeaksProtect can be placed even in hard-to-reach places. It doesn't require installation, goes years without maintenance, and works 24/7

If your washing machine leaks or a pipe breaks, the detector will react immediately and report an accident
And if the facility has an anti-flooding system, Ajax will automatically shut off water supply

Miniature LeaksProtect detectors will fit anywhere, where water leaks are likely to happen. The device height is only 14 mm

When the water reaches the detector, it immediately raises the alarm. No matter which side
All four sides of the LeaksProtect have contact pairs. If at least one of them contacts water, the detector reports a leak
When the contacts dry out and open, it notifies you that the leakage has stopped

Classification - Radio channel water leak detector

Type of detector - Wireless

Installation method - Indoors

Operates with all Ajax hubs, range extenders, ocBridge Plus, uartBridge

Alarm signal delivery time - 0.15 s

Power supply
Battery: Two AAA batteries, 3 V
Battery life - Up to 5 years

Jeweller radio technology
Communication range with central unit — up to 1,300 m in an open space
Two-way communication between devices
Operating frequencies — 868.0 - 868.6 MHz
Self-adjusting RF output power — up to 20 mW
Block encryption based on AES algorithm
Detector polling period — 12−300 s

Temperature sensor - Available

Operating temperature range - 0°С to +50°С

Permissible humidity - Up to 100%

Protection class - IP65

Protection against fraud
Jamming detection

Remote setting and testing - Available

Dimensions - 56 × 56 × 14 mm

Weight - 40 g

Replacement and repair within 24 months of the date of sale. Batteries are not covered under warranty

Complete set
LeaksProtect leak detector
Two AAA batteries (pre-installed)
User's guide

Service life - 10 years

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