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AX Magnetkontakt m/ tilt og sjokk (Hvit)

kr 750,00

Wireless opening detector notifies of first signs of intrusion into the room through the door or window
It is installed even on roof windows which can be left open when leaving the house

The device detects the door or window being opened by means of British-made hi-end reed switches on which the magnetic field acts
It can operate in the transmitter mode, sending a signal from the wired sensor to the hub

The device protects even windows left open for ventilation
The accelerometer registers changes in vertical slope angle, bangs or vibration and sends an alarm to the hub

Classification - Combined point magnetic contact and vibration radio channel security detector

Type of detector - Wireless

Installation method - Indoors

Operates with all Ajax hubs, and range extenders
Sensing element
Reed switch, accelerometer

Alarm signal delivery time - 0.15 s

Activation threshold
Small magnet — 1 cm
Big magnet — 2 cm
Tilt: more than 5°

Power supply
Battery: CR123A battery, 3 V
Battery life - Up to 5 years

Jeweller radio technology
Communication range with central unit — up to 1,200 m in an open space
Two-way communication between devices
Operating frequencies — 868.0 - 868.6 MHz
Self-adjusting RF output power — up to 20 mW
Block encryption based on AES algorithm
Detector polling period — 12−300 s

Temperature sensor - Available

Operating temperature range - From -10°С to +40°С

Permissible humidity - Up to 75%

Protection against fraud
Jamming detection

Remote setting and testing - Available

Diameter - 20 mm
Height - 90 mm
Weight - 29 g

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